
We take care of managing your work and your contracts, and you, your talent.
See what Copyrights can do for you.

Copyrights acts on the global management of intellectual property, with a personal assistance to the clients' businesses, safeguarding their rights in executing contracts, preserving their image and respecting their privacy. Our remuneration is based on a percentage upon the collection or the success of the negotiation. This is partnership. We assist you in all administrative and bureaucratic details, so that our artists may dedicate themselves to what they do best: creating, with safety and freedom. With Copyrights, our clients are free to rescind their contracts anytime.

Accurate review of work and computerized control

A complete tracking of the work localizes all artistic and edition contracts, as well as all societies linked to the author or to the artist. This speeds on the recognition and allows, in a long term, the increase of the client's income. The wonderful relationship of Copyrights with the paying sources and the computerized control do accelerate the receipt of copyrights.

Centralization of collection and payment control.

Copyrights unifies the revenue that is usually fragmented by the client in different services. The centralization of copyrights payment managed by Copyrights allows an effective control upon artists and authors' incomes. In addition to simplifying, this allows, with publishers for instance, following-up accounting and other services on a daily basis, shown by reports addressed to the authors and artists.

Tax Facilities

Rights received by Copyrights in the name of its clients are not considered as Income Tax Withheld at Source, since they are payments between legal entities, and Copyrights allows its clients to decide which treatment they should give to such values on their Tax Return when transferring them also without any withholding at source, which, of course, is a great advantage for all artists and authors.

Production and agency support

Copyrights both administrates the collection of public performance rights, clearance for minors participating in shows, and renders bureaucratic services that allow the copyright clearance of the show with the official agencies.

In addition, Copyrights analyses contracts related to the entertainment field and supports the production, providing a space for meetings between producers, agents and artists and their contractors.

Guidance to heirs and Copyright holders

Copyrights and artistic rights are a wealth that should be well administrated and updated. Copyrights offers a complete counseling to heirs, guiding them about how to be accredited as holders and to present themselves with the collecting and acquiring rights agencies. Guidance is given as of the assignment of rights before death, giving assistance to inventories and producing the ownership by means of official documents, up to mediation and resolution of conflicts between heirs.

Preservation of cultural collections

Copyrights supports the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs and OSCIPS) for the preservation of authorial and physical assets, such as plays, pictures, photographs, scores and manuscripts. It also assists in cataloging the work, in donations to other institutions and in copyright clearance of the collection for exhibitions in Brazil and abroad.

Administration of Works and Rights

Thanks to its solid base in Intellectual Property, Copyrights offers a complete legal assistance, already embedded in the management of copyrights. In additional cases, whenever the analysis of artistic or advertising contracts is needed, for instance, the client may count upon the advantage of a 50% discount for this service.

The partnership with Dain, Gandelman and Lacé Brandão Advogados Associados law offices, located at the same floor, provides legal assistance to clients in all legal fields.


Legal Assistance

More than administrating only, Copyrights' wide net of contacts makes easy the prospection of new businesses in Brazil and abroad, thus collaborating to increase its clients' revenue. The continuous contact between partners, such as TV, theater and movie directors and advertising agencies, allows Copyrights to constantly offer its clients works.


Contacts Abroad

Copyrights also intermediates the acquisition of copyrights abroad, through the Dain, Gandelman and Lacé Brandão Advogados Associados' representatation law firms in Paris - Cabinet Jean Paul Rouby, and in New York - David Grossberg (Cohen & Grossberg Attorney at Law).

Business Search

Copyrights gives assistance to its clients for the protection of their civil and artistic names, through an associate specialized office - Ricardo Ferri Consultoria - and provides also assistance in trademarks licensing and registration.
